LitOut #1 : Early morning before sunrise

Early Morning Before Sunrise 

Howz this life ??so calm , cool , & pleasant right?!!! Amazinggg view , a thoughtful view!! Some of my friends & i were asked the question the question “ which view do we like the most ?” many answered” a garden view “ a lots of other answers . but i answered” according to me it would be a morning sunrise view “ .... everyone were surprised. They thought that why didn’t this idea come in their minds.. well for his answer i had to give a reason . so i replied “ well to support my answer i can give many reasons. Firstly , lets do it practically . lets get up 5:00 am & go to the terrace , enjoy the environment . then look around feel the moving wind , hear the birds chirping , the trees swaying . “ ahh what a refreshing time!! “ secondly lets understand its benefits , that getting up early and doing exercise would be a good idea. Doing yoga would be a good idea . we usually follow the daily routine of our life , but lets try something new. People usually don’t do yoga & walking . so why not we do yoga & walking exercise in the colony roads . Or if we have no such facalities , then we can reach a nearby park & do the following same in the park or a garden . “ this would be a nice idea “ thirdly & finally i would like to tell its benefits .its that after sunrise around 6:30am & onwards there will be a lot of pollution & some people try to go to walk at that time . these people according to me are brainless & uneducated.there is a reason behind this . for yoga we need peace & can a person do yoga when there is pollution ?? surely not . so ,Instead of that we can go to park before sunrise enjoy the pleasant , cool & calm environment . it would be a right time indeed. Taking in the pure & un-polluted oxygen , we feel better & relaxed. & when the sun rises , the first rays of the sun is necessary so the body can prepare Vitamin D which is really a necessary vitamin & plays an important role in our body that is : strengthening our bones etc.” so everybody i hope u understood how the environment is , during EARLY MORING BEFORE SUNSET & ya its IMPORTANCE & BENEFITS too...”

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  1. He he. I think written by a kid. But so cute. Interesting ideologies

  2. Pretty little stories


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