LitOut #13 : Running a Marathon before an exam.

Running a Marathon before an Exam

A never expected experience which should not happen to anyone!
There was a hush everywhere in the house. It was 29th April,2016; the day of AP EAMCET. That was supposedly a kind-of major exam, though I wasn't keen on joining in any medical college in AP. I took it as a preliminary exam before my main exam- TS EAMCET which was scheduled on 2nd May. But this exam, which I took for practice and to gain experience before writing my actual exam has made me experience things which I never imagined even in my wildest dreams!
I woke up a bit early, to brush up with some topics. I did nothing much though! The clock struck 12:00, and I went to get ready and have my lunch. We left home at 12:45 as we had planned. My college centre was approximately about 25-30 minutes from home. I must mention- that's with the usual traffic roads and my exam timing was 2:30 pm. So we would reach at the stipulated time.
I had received a call from my Vice-Principal and was given the necessary instructions. I had also carried my Glucose-water as he had told. I suppose we were 4 kilometres away, when the heavy traffic began. There was a college centre on our way. The reason for the traffic was due to the outgoing engineering students who had just completed their exam and the ingoing medical students who were going to write theirs. Finally by the time we crossed the rush, it was 1:45! That's like, we were stuck up for nearly 40 minutes at that place.
I got a bit tensed. My dad drove fast. We didn't know where exactly to go- which route to take! It was a forest area, no Human settlements around also. There was no one to ask. We just quickly followed the cars in front of us. At 1:50, we reached a T-cross. There were policemen around directing the cars where to go. We asked him about our centre and he told us, "Take right turn immediately. Don't go straight! Turn quickly and rush!" Fine! We did as he told. No sooner, we found the entrance gate of my college centre. I was a bit relieved.
In the above sentence I mentioned something- "entrance gate". Yes, it was just the damn entrance gate. My so called centre is a 400-500 acres huge campus in a sort of remote area. And furthermore there are like over 10-12 college campuses in it each separated from the other by over half a kilometre or probably more. At the entrance, a police official checked my hall-ticket and college code. "Code 7552? That's the 1st campus! Go hurry!", he said. It's the 1st campus,but I didn't understand why he told to hurry.
We entered the gate, and once again got stuck in the traffic. That was nothing new. There was a building nearby, and I thought it was my campus. "I think you should get down here. I don't think I can take the car any further, the traffic might not clear. It's already 1:55. And you should be in your seat at at-least 2:15. There is no time now. Take whatever is necessary. You are at your own from now on. I can't come. All the best." That's what my dad said. I got down, took my stuff and started walking towards the police nearby to guide me to my college. They checked, "7552? Keep going straight. It's towards the end of the road!" Hearing that, I started running. Reached the college at the end.
I thought that was mine. Relieved, I approached the campus Incharge and asked him if it was the college with code 7552! He lifted his brow, and said, "No. This is not the one! Keep going straight. You'll find it!" . The heat scorched the entire place. I was sweating profusely. But my only objective for now was to reach my centre at-least by 2:20. I continued running. At one place, I reached a cross. I was completely blank and I didn't know whether to take a left or right turn. For distances, I couldn't locate any campus. I just presumed I might find some if I take a left turn. I don't know why I thought so, but my decision was right. God helped me make a right decision.
But wait, that's not all. I didn't find my college even then. It was 2:05 and I had already approached 2 colleges after that left turn, but they weren't 7552! Finally, after walking some distance I reached a so called "Women's campus". I just prayed that it should be the one. It was on the other end of the road, so I had to cross the road. I just blankly went to cross the road unmindful of the approaching cars behind. I went, probably it was less than a metre, suddenly I turned behind, only to see cars behind me. I immediately retracted back. For a second I didn't know what happened. I was walking, running,walking on the road- but it was all involuntarily. I was just walking, my brain was forcing me to. I was not even in my conscious. I even forgot that I had to turn back and look if there are any vehicles approaching before crossing the road. Something happened, something alerted me, that's why i turned back. If I hadn't, I would have been seriously injured or would have been overrun because there wasn't just one car- there were several behind. Furthermore there would be anyone to help me. No one would stop their cars and my dad was somewhere far away.
The ouch of urgency to reach my centre lingered in my brain. It was the motive force behind pushing me to continue searching. I rushed as fast as I could towards the campus infront of my eyes, my fingers not even crossed! My breath rate was high. Before I could reach out to the campus Incharge regarding my centre , he called out ," not this one, the other one. This campus is not an exam centre . Go to the other one immediately!" . I was nearly done. I could see another building in front. I rushed to that one quickly. Finally to my relief, it was the one. Lo and behold! At that very instant a short bell was rung, it was a warning bell. I was in! In before that bell! Just in !
I started to get my way through the parental crowd and was stopped for a check. An unknown sir saw and understood my situation. He helped me with the things that were allowed inside the hall. "Go and give the other stuff to your parent and carry only these inside," he said. "I can't , my dad is somewhere away. I came here running", I replied frantically. He then took my stuff, took me to the deposit centre, made them give me a slip and ensured the safety of my belongings. "You aren't allowed to carry this bottle- drink as much as you can here itself, keep it here and go. Give me your father's number. And yes,tell me your Roll number------- (looked into my hall ticket  ) yes, it's room number 102.  Don't worry, write well." I did as he said, drank water, gave my father's number and rushed inside the building to get into room 102. After that I don't know what happened outside.
But what happened to me inside is yet another story. I was told by the authorities in front of the building that room 102 is on the Right Wing and to the end. So there I enter the Right wing and start searching for 102. Reached the front, reached the end - but no sight of 102. This made me loose my cool. I searched once again but couldn't find it. I came back once again to the base and started looking in the Left Wing. And guess what- there is room 102 in the end . I couldn't vent my anger at anyone there. All I did was enter the room. The invigilator checked my roll number and lead me to my seat. And I look at the time there- 2:20 pm. Phew! I couldn't imagine I made it.
Yes, I made it- but how much. My mind was totally blank- I didn't even know what I remember. The heat had reached my head, my brain was tired and  I wanted to relax , to take rest- but I couldn't as for the next 3 hours I had to utilise my brain- to the maximum extent. My brain, which should have been super active for 3 hours of my exam was already tired before it's commencement.
It was 2:30 pm , the exam began. I did as much as I could. Finally I messed it up. But there's something else to it. I messed up my exam- true! But I got a chance to write the exam. When I got back to my father- he told me of what happened after 2:30. First he was given a call by that sir who helped me. Seriously, I am too grateful for his help at that point of time. He guided my father to my exam centre. And then- what happened ? There were still swarms of students crashing against the closed gate to appear for the exam. They were just a minute late. Some of them were climbing the gates, some begging them to open, some crying, some pleading, some still running to make their way out to reach their place despite knowing that they were late. But no one cared for them- no mercy, no pity. It isn't their fault. NOT AT ALL THEIR FAULT, it's that bribed government's fault. Not a single measure was taken to avoid such EXPECTED TRAFFIC! Everyone knows about the conditions during such exams- where was the Government and where is the so called MODI SARKAAR? I've heard our Prime Minister spoke on MAN KI BAAT and expressed his best wishes to students, but did he make a point to ensure the comfortability of every student? NO. Neither Centre not State. And this situation isn't only of my state exam, it's about every single exam being conducted across the country. Approximately 30% of the students miss their exams due to such conditions . And it's their career deciding exam- once they loose it , they loose one year. The loss is that of the student and the mistake- of the Government. Let the government make the necessary arrangements and still if the student doesn't turn up then it's his/her fault. But when the Government itself isn't doing anything strong enough- can't expect the blame to be that of the student's . A holiday can be declared/ routes can be diverted/ quick public transport can be established- numerous things can be done. Definitely after this AP EAMCET I saw the arrangement being made by the TS Government for their TS EAMCET . It was indeed remarkable . Still it needs to be extended and every state in India should adopt it.
PLEASE DO SOMETHING FOR THE HARDWORKING STUDENTS. Let not their hours and years of study go in waste just because of a minute or more- duly the Government's fault.

30 April 2016. 

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