Poetico #3 : The Found Elixir

Art by Meghana

The Found Elixir 

A brooding walk amidst the worldly hustle,
My way strewed with dry leaves rustle.
I walked straight faced with my body walls upright,
A rather crumbling wall that refused to fall.

The clear sky after a beautiful rain was starred,
So unlike me, hoping someday it would be.
Tardily, there was a chatoyant conflation- something unusual,
And a lissome figure shaped out of the starry sky.

A pulchritudinous man walked towards me with demur,
With all the radiance and glitter that made my heart flutter.
He embraced me in his arms, with all the petrichor,
Exquisitely corrected all my flaws,
The never felt comfort was all I got. 

With a little kiss on my forehead,
My surreptitious talisman, mellifluously susurrating in my ears,
Took away all the woebegones,
And carried me into his world of halcyon universe.

He is no ephemeral,
But my eternal life.
Proudly mine,
And an elixir of my life. 


Poetico is a collection of poems that reflects different genres. As we ought to believe, a pen is mightier than a sword, let's allow our voices and thoughts to put our words into actions. If you wish to comment/ contact/ collaborate/ help us reach to more voices, do take a little effort to simply put a message via our comment box or through the contact form in the left side menu (3 bar option click on the top left of the Home page). We respect your ideas and thoughts. 

Hoping to bring out the colours of your creative minds | Poetico 

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