LitOut #16 : This World Environment Day...

This World Environment Day... 


You would probably come across this most used (or rather misused) word from people standing on podiums delivering environmental speeches, on articles preaching methods to adopt for a healthier tomorrow or perhaps on internet pages, social issue ads, project materials and so on. 

But have it ever occurred to you where the word should exactly come from ? It should come straight from your heart making your brain work purposely towards a greener future. philosophical it may sound, but it is logical too. Over the time, the generations have adopted a 'take for granted' attitude towards this overly prevalent topic and have often a change, in their lifestyle, in their daily habits and behaviour. 

Let's make an effort, bring about a change, follow few rules and make the world a safer, greener and a brighter place to live in! 


Whether it is to pen down your thoughts, ideas or notes or the need is to just jolt down an application, the usage of paper never seems to cease even in this web era. The issue here is not the paper, but its usage. How you write may mean a lot when it comes to managing and conserving resources. Big bold letters, inking the paper after using only one side are some of the most common traits of today's common man. 

THE CHANGE IN HABIT: There can be many easy ways out for this problem or rather, habit. It requires just a slight change in behaviour like Writing in Small Font Size, using both sides of the paper without hesitation (after all you are saving something) and making use of every blank space you come across in one way or the other. so, the next stroke from your pen/pencil must do some different save. 
Ps: They do apply for exam papers too.  ðŸ˜‰ 

AND, Not to forget, do take a little extra effort to plant a few saplings at least every year on the World Environment Day. That itself can bring at least a little positive change. 

Let us keep the poetry of earth always alive. 
In this regard, also read up our other relevant blogs in this aspect. Simply click on LitOut #14  and  LitOut #15

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