Poetico #5 : A Small Town Girl - An Acrostic

A Small Town Girl - An Acrostic

Academics ledger.  
Several stories tell.
Minded peers order.
Academic institutions total.
Lodging houses accommodate.
Liberal colleagues league.

Top spins throw.
Old houses comprise.
Wild stories tell.
Nuclear materials mambo.

Governmental authorities reserve.
Integral spins push.
Remarkable stories obtain.
Local codes encode.            


Thanks to Anon for the collaborative idea. Write to us if you wish to contact the poet, through our Contact Form (in the left side menu.)  Get in touch with some system generated poems by Anon at  Poem Generator

Poetico is a collection of poems that reflects different genres. As we ought to believe, a pen is mightier than a sword, let's allow our voices and thoughts to put our words into actions. If you wish to comment/ contact/ collaborate/ help us reach to more voices, do take a little effort to simply put a message via our comment box or through the contact form in the left side menu (3 bar option click on the top left of the Home page). We respect your ideas and thoughts. 

Hoping to bring out the colours of your creative minds | Poetico 

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