Poetico #7 : At Ayala

At Ayala

One day at a souvenir shop,
I met a man selling books,
For money he wanted to swap,
But I really wanted some textbooks.

"Got any textbooks?" asked I.
"For that's how I'll spend my money."
"No textbooks here!" said the guy.
He seemed to find it quite funny.

"We've got some lovely cakes,
I'll give you a very fine price."
"I'd rather have some snakes."
The man blinked rapidly thrice.

The man seemed exceptionally graceful,
And his manner was strangely amused.
He wasn't what I would call disgraceful,
Great disdain he noticeably oozed.

Like others, he thought I was odd,
Some say I'm a bit beautiful.
Still he gave me a courteous nod,
As if he thought I was plenty dutiful.

So in search of my goal I departed,
But before the souvenir shop could I leave,
The man came running full-hearted,
"I can help you I believe."

"Books, textbooks, you shall find.
Cakes, snakes, you can get.
You must now open your mind,
And get down to Ayala Centre Philippines Market.

So to Ayala Centre Philippines Market I decided to go,
In search of the textbooks I craved.
The winds it did eerily blow.
But I felt that the day could be saved.

There were stalls selling books,
Bracelets in many shades.
There were even stalls selling looks
People were scattered from many trades

I was greeted by a peculiar lady,
She seemed to be rather beautiful
I couldn't help thinking she might be quite shady.
I wondered if she was at all dutiful.

Before I could open my mouth,
She shouted, "For you, I have some textbooks!"
I headed towards her, to the south,
Past some cakes and books.

"But how did you know?" I asked,
"Do you want them or not?" she did say.
Silently, the textbooks she passed.
Then vanished before I could pay.

As I walked away I hard a crackle
Or was it, perhaps, a hushed cackle?


Thanks to Anon for the collaborative idea. Write to us if you wish to contact the poet, through our Contact Form (in the left side menu.)  Get in touch with some system generated poems by Anon at  Poem Generator 

Poetico is a collection of poems that reflects different genres. As we ought to believe, a pen is mightier than a sword, let's allow our voices and thoughts to put our words into actions. If you wish to comment/ contact/ collaborate/ help us reach to more voices, do take a little effort to simply put a message via our comment box or through the contact form in the left side menu (3 bar option click on the top left of the Home page). We respect your ideas and thoughts. 

Hoping to bring out the colours of your creative minds | Poetico 

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  1. Haha ! I loved the flow of the poem, felt quite twisted in its story, and the ending especially. Also have been to Ayala Centre in Philippines, couldn’t relate more to it . 😂 great work !

  2. Amusing and hilarious! Liked the twist at the end. Nice poetry style


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