LitOut #3: Happiest day in my life

Happiest day in my life 

Many people dream to become most successful in their endeavour as life is ternary. Most people achieve their goals by hard work, dedication, & determination with the support and encouragement from parents, teachers, friends and colleagues . some times self motivation or inspiration of other successful persons. So, many people experience happiest day(s) in their life.
I am lucky to be one among those successful people and I also experienced a happiest day in my life.
One very exciting and interesting event took place in my life recently. It was the happiest day of my life. I shall never be able to forget it. It was the month of March ,2009. I had been counting days very eagerly for the day for the results of the State level Science talent search examination organised by unified council would be announced. I prepared well for this exam aimed for winning first prize & to bring a medal and good name to my school.
At last the most awaiting day arrived, I received an invitation from unified council to come to Hari Hara Kala Bhavan for award function . We moved towards Hari Hara Kala Bhavan where the award ceremony was organised, guests line including many dignitaries, scholars and administrators. It was the first time I ever had visited this place. I was allotted a seat in the front row, they started prize distribution & I overwhelmed when I got the gold medal for District topper & I went up the stage and received a medal, a memento and cash award from education commissioner. I was filled with pride and joy. My parents beamed widely. They were very proud of me.After the prize-giving ceremony, in extremely good moods, we proceeded to Mac Donald’s. We had burgers, French fries, milk-shakes and my favourite chicken Mac nuggets .My parents promised me to take me for a holiday destination – Goa as I had always wanted to visit it. With it, I got another surprise as my parents had bought me a laptop. My joy knew no bounds .I could not sleep with joy the whole night.
Even today, I often have before my mind's eyes the actual happenings in an auditorium and at home. Indeed, it was the most surprising, happiest, rare & an exciting, day of my life. Such happy incidents happen rarely in one's life, which helps to achieve many more like this & gives inspirations to many others.

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  1. Congrats and superb on your achievement, we all are proud of you

  2. thanx ......... ( never received comments... u r the 1st one .... overexcited..)


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