LitOut #4 : Saplings for free

Saplings for free.

We love to do social work in order to improve lively-hood of the people in our society. Several ways of social works are necessary for improving public places, one of the means we can adopt in this concern is free supply of saplings to public places, schools, hospitals & gardens.
This generous idea of free supply of saplings was flashed me when I was discussing on society improvement with my classmates. City nurseries sells saplings for exorbitant price which a common man cannot afford to buy & cannot keep the living/working place green and colourful.
So, me & my friends in consent with our teachers wanted to attempt in putting best efforts to make our living / public places green & healthier. We thought of developing our own nursery so that we can supply correct sapling for suitable place.
.I had bought a lot of saplings over 10,000 & above of different flowers & trees. But I had no other option of forcing them to buy. But I was surprised when some of my other friends had already started making posters showing “SAPLINGS FOR FREE” & were quite busy in this work. & so I thought why I shouldn’t co-operate in the work that they were doing for my friends & me. I also started in this work by painting & depicting posters showing the importance of trees in our future life. We also wrote many important points on the importance of trees & many slogans & famous quotes such as:
1. “The trees are God's great alphabet:With them He writes in shining greenAcross the world His thoughts serene”.
2. “God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. Etc.”
& then with the help of pamphlets & messages, we could see many people rushing to us to see & buy the saplings. They asked us many questions & the most exciting one was that when one lady came & asked me that how could we waste money on these saplings & sell them for free for about thousand people. & I answered smartly & confidently that all that we do is for mother earth & for the future generations so that they can live prosperously. Then that woman smiled & took away 2 of them. & for our surprise 10, 00 of them just finished in 15 minutes & so we had to go & by some more. & we did it & each one of us bought 10,000 which resulted in a total of 1, 00,000 saplings. & they kept finishing in 15 minutes. We had bought 1000 lots each of which had 1, 00,000 saplings. We had also put a symbol sticker with the name “helping the future” & still when we pass through that place we do see the small little saplings grown into a tall perennial woody plant having a trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown, just like the one that kings used to wear. We had really helped ourselves in this project. Tears do roll down my eyes, but not of sadness, Happiness because those saplings as believed were saviours of the world at least by 1 %!!! 

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